The ADW Scholarship for the year 2024, launched by the State Government of Tamil Nadu, is a program aimed at providing financial assistance and educational opportunities to students from minority communities and economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
The Government of Tamil Nadu has introduced the ADW Scholarship to offer financial assistance and educational opportunities to students from minority communities. This scholarship ensures that students from these communities have equal access to education. Eligible students can apply online for the scholarship until the deadline on March 15, 2023.
In this article, we will provide comprehensive information about the ADW Scholarship 2023, including its purpose, eligibility criteria, benefits, features, and required documents. Additionally, we will guide you through the online application process. Read on to discover all the details about this scholarship.
The ADW Scholarship Scheme is an initiative under the Department of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare in Tamil Nadu. It aims to support economically disadvantaged individuals, particularly those from marginalized groups. This government-funded scholarship will provide direct financial assistance to students by depositing the funds into their bank accounts. Furthermore, the support extends beyond school education, enabling students to pursue higher education in college. To apply for this scholarship, applicants must meet the eligibility criteria set by the organization.
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What is ADW Scholarship 2024
Students hailing from Minority Communities, encompassing Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, and Jains, among others, now have the opportunity to apply for the ADW Scholarship online. This initiative aims to offer financial assistance and support to students from these specific categories, enabling them to pursue education from pre-matric to post-matric levels, ranging from grades 1 to 12, as well as undergraduate to Ph.D. programs.
The TN ADW Scholarship encompasses approximately 23 scholarships and schemes, catering to students from Adi Dravidar, Tribal, Adi Dravidar converted to Christianity communities, and Minority Communities. These scholarships offer varying amounts of financial aid and encompass a range of benefits, such as access to hostel facilities, awards, fee reimbursement, and free textbooks, among others.
About ADW Scholarship
The ADW Scholarship scheme serves to assist students at both the school and college levels, providing various scholarships to eligible candidates. These scholarships are awarded based on specific criteria determined by the authorities. Eligibility for these scholarships typically depends on factors such as the financial situation of the student’s family, the educational qualifications of the students, and other relevant considerations.
This scheme is designed to support students in their educational pursuits and ensure that those who qualify can access financial aid based on their individual circumstances and qualifications.
Highlights Of ADW Scholarship Details 2024
Name Of The Scholarship | ADW Scholarship |
Known as | Adi Dravidar & Tribal Welfare Scholarship |
Launched By | State Government of Tamil Nadu |
Delegated State | Tamil Nadu (TN) |
Delegated Ministry | Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology |
Allocated Portal | Tamil Nadu e-District Portal |
National Level Portal | National Scholarship Portal (NSP) |
No. of Offered Scholarships | 23 |
Objective | To provide social security provisions to minority community students |
Benefit | Access to educational opportunities |
Applicable To | Citizens of Tamil Nadu |
Beneficiaries | Students |
Beneficiary Category | Minority Communities |
Eligible Classes | Class 3rd to Class 12th |
No. of Eligible Classes | 10 |
Student Types | School & College Students |
No. of Student Types | 2 |
Mode Of Transfer | DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) |
Payment Mechanism | E-payment mechanism |
Form of Benefit | Scholarship amount |
Amount of benefit | Variable Assistance |
Transferral Basis | Monthly/Yearly Basis |
Hosting Site | National Information Center (NIC) |
Mode Of Application | Online |
Last Date of Online Form Submission | 15th March 2023 |
Official Website | scholarshiponline |
Objective of ADW Scholarship
The primary goal of the scholarship programs offered by our organization is to provide financial assistance to cover tuition fees and other educational expenses. This support enables students to pursue their studies at various colleges and schools. The scholarship funds will be disbursed directly to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts, streamlining the distribution process. To avail themselves of this opportunity, students can simply complete the application form, which is accessible on our official website.
Candidates will be selected based on their academic achievements, ensuring that the most deserving individuals are awarded these scholarships. We understand that financial constraints often hinder students from continuing their education. In this regard, the ADW Scholarship 2023 has been designed to alleviate any financial burdens that students may face, enabling them to pursue their educational goals without hindrance.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants interested in the ADW scholarship scheme must adhere to the following eligibility criteria:
- Eligible Categories: Candidates eligible for this scholarship include those belonging to SC/ST communities, Minority Muslims, or individuals who have converted to Christianity.
- Residence Requirement: Applicants should be native residents of Tamil Nadu for a continuous period of at least five years.
- Educational Levels: The ADW scholarship is open to students from Class I up to the Ph.D. level, covering a wide range of educational pursuits.
- Distance Criteria for Hostels: For students applying for ADW hostels, the distance between their school/college and place of residence should exceed five kilometers. However, this distance criterion does not apply to female candidates.
- Distance Criteria for Females: In the case of female candidates, the distance between their school/college and place of residence can be up to five kilometers.
- Income Limit: The annual family income of the candidate’s household should not exceed INR 2,00,000 for most scholarship categories.
- Qualifying Examination: For candidates aiming to study in distinguished schools, they should have successfully cleared the previous qualifying examination.
- School Type: Students should have pursued their education in Adi Dravidar Welfare, GTR (Government Tribal Residential), government, or government-aided schools.
- Special Case for Classes XI and XII: Students wishing to pursue classes XI and XII in reputable schools through the ADW scholarship must ensure that their family income does not surpass INR 1,00,000 annually.
ADW Scholarship Schemes Available
The Government of Tamil Nadu State offers a variety of schemes and initiatives to support and empower its residents. These schemes include:
- Abolition Of Bonded Labor System: Working towards the eradication of bonded labor and ensuring labor rights.
- Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Department: Programs and support services for the welfare of Adi Dravidar and tribal communities.
- Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Department – Stationary – Text Books: Provision of stationary and textbooks to students from these communities.
- Admission Of Adi Dravidar / Tribal Students In Plus One At Reputed Schools: Facilitating the admission of Adi Dravidar and tribal students into prestigious schools.
- Afforestation Schemes Providing Incentives And Providing Employment To Tribals In Forest Operation: Initiatives to promote afforestation and provide employment opportunities for tribal communities in forest-related activities.
- All India Service Examinations Like I.A.S., I.P.S., I.R.S., Etc.: Support and guidance for aspiring candidates preparing for prestigious civil service examinations.
- Animal Husbandry: Programs and services related to animal husbandry and veterinary care.
- Annual Gandhi Memorial Award: Recognizing and honoring individuals who exemplify the principles and values of Mahatma Gandhi.
- Assistance For Funeral Rites: Support for funeral rites and ceremonies.
- Assistance To Lawyers For Starting Their Practice: Assistance for new lawyers to establish their legal practice.
- Awards To Bright Students: Scholarships and awards for exceptional students.
- Book Bank – Books Will Purchase For Medical/ Engineering/ Law / M.B.A./Veterinary / Agri. And Polytechnic / Courses And Placed In The Library: Initiatives to provide essential textbooks for various professional and educational courses.
- Burial Ground – Provision Of Burial Grounds And Pathway To Burial Grounds: Ensuring the availability of burial grounds and pathways to them.
- Chief Minister Merit Award- Given Rs.3000/- Per Annum For 5 Years: Recognizing and financially supporting meritorious students.
- Chief Minister S Merit Award: Awards and incentives for outstanding students.
- Community Halls: Facilities for the community to gather and organize events.
- Construction Of Free Houses For Tribals: Housing support for tribal communities.
- Development Of Agricultural Lands: Initiatives to promote and improve agricultural lands for better productivity.
ADW Scholarship Rewards Details
Candidates will receive the following fundamental awards based on their educational attainment levels:
- Female students belonging to the SC/ST category, who are studying in classes III to V, will be granted INR 500 annually.
- SC/ST girl students in class VI will receive an annual scholarship of INR 1,000 from the Adi Dravidar Tribal Welfare.
- For SC/ST female students in classes VII and VIII, an annual scholarship of INR 1,500 will be provided.
- Children of those engaged in unclean occupations who are studying in class X will be eligible for a scholarship of INR 1,850 through the ADW scholarship.
- The government will cover various educational costs, including special fees, application fees, registration fees, and examination fees.
- The welfare program will select 1,000 boys and 1,000 girls who have achieved top ranks in the Class XII board exams. They will be granted an annual scholarship of INR 3,000 for a duration of five years.
- Day scholars in classes IX and X will receive an annual scholarship of INR 2,250 to assist with their educational expenses.
- Hostellers in classes IX and X will receive an annual scholarship of INR 4,500 to support their education.
For College Students
- Students pursuing undergraduate degrees and polytechnic courses are eligible for an annual scholarship of INR 7,500.
- Those undertaking postgraduate degrees and professional courses will be awarded an annual scholarship of INR 8,000.
- The state government additionally provides ADW scholarships to students enrolled in self-financing colleges.
- Law graduates will receive a one-time lump-sum amount of INR 50,000 to help them commence their legal practice.
For Schools Higher Secondary Level
The government has established various initiatives under the ADW scholarship program to support students:
- In each district, ten outstanding students who have achieved the highest ranks in their Class X exams are selected. These students will have the opportunity to attend distinguished private schools for classes XI and XII, with the education costs covered by the ADW scholarship.
- Students studying in ADW and government schools from class I to XII will receive free textbooks.
- The welfare program also offers free guides and question banks to students preparing for Class X and Class XII board exams.
- Students attending ADW schools and residing in ADW hostels will receive four sets of uniforms at no cost.
- Special classes are provided to students preparing for Class X and Class XII board exams to ensure their success.
- Girls who have converted to Christianity and boys studying in class XI and XII will receive free bicycles as part of the welfare program.
ADW Scholarship Extra Benefits
Here is the rewritten version of the provided text, with a more professional tone and structure:
Educational Facilities and Support Programs
The Department oversees the operation and maintenance of 18 Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools and 3 Tribal Welfare Residential Schools. These institutions primarily serve Adi Dravidar and tribal communities.
Admission to Renowned Schools for Sixth Grade
Under this program, Adi Dravidar, Scheduled Tribes, and Scheduled Caste Christian students currently studying in 5th grade in government and aided schools can secure admission to prestigious institutions for grades six through twelve based on their academic merit. There is no income threshold for eligibility.
Admission to Eleventh Grade in Renowned Schools
Similarly, Adi Dravidar, Scheduled Tribes, and Scheduled Caste Christian students in tenth grade who rank within the top 10 in their respective schools can gain admission to esteemed institutions for grades eleven and twelve, provided their parent or guardian’s annual income does not exceed Rs. 1.0 Lakh.
Incentives for Adi Dravidar and Tribal Girls
Female students studying in government and government-aided schools from third to eighth grade receive annual incentives, ranging from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,500, with no income restrictions.
Educational Fee Concessions
Students belonging to the department who have converted to Christianity and attend government or government-aided institutions are exempt from paying tuition fees, without regard to their income.
Concessions for Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students from the department who have converted to Christianity and are pursuing courses in government or government-aided Arts and Science colleges are relieved from paying special and examination fees, irrespective of their income.
Concession for Postgraduate Female Students
Female students from the department who have converted to Christianity pursuing postgraduate courses in government or government-aided Arts and Science colleges are also exempt from special and examination fees, regardless of their income.
Special Fee Concession
Students from the department who have converted to Christianity studying in 6th to 12th grades in government, government-aided, and private schools are relieved from paying special fees, which are directly disbursed to the educational institutions.
Examination Fee Concessions
Students from the department who have converted to Christianity studying in the 10th and 12th grades in government, government-aided, and private schools are not required to pay examination fees, with the fees being disbursed directly by the state government. Examination fees for students pursuing studies in English medium are handled by the Directorate of Government Examinations.
State Government’s Higher Educational Special Scholarship
Students who reside in educational institution hostels and are pursuing degree and polytechnic courses receive an annual scholarship of Rs. 7,500. Postgraduate and professional course students receive Rs. 8,000 annually, provided their parent or guardian’s annual income does not exceed Rs. 2 Lakh.
Free Supply of Bicycles
Free bicycles are provided to Adi Dravidar, tribal, and Adi Dravidar converted to Christianity girls and boys studying in the 11th and 12th grades in government, government-aided, and partly government-aided schools.
Enhancement of Educational Standards
Special attention is given to students in the 10th and 12th grades to help them achieve high marks in public examinations. Special guidebooks and question banks are provided to support their studies.
Special Coaching
Every year, special guides and question bank books are distributed to students in schools and hostels under the department’s purview.
Hostels for Adi Dravidar
There are 72 hostels for Adi Dravidar students, accommodating a total of 4,234 boarders, operating under the department. District Collectors have the authority to admit students to these hostels, allowing up to 10% more than the sanctioned capacity. Boarders receive free boarding and lodging and are provided with free uniforms.
Healthcare Support
Medical officers from government hospitals and primary health centers conduct monthly check-ups for boarders in ADW hostels. The program is administered by the Director of Medical and Rural Health Services and Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicines.
Chief Minister’s Merit Award
This initiative rewards 1,000 boys and 1,000 girls from Adi Dravidar, tribal, and Adi Dravidar converted to Christianity communities based on their performance in the 12th-grade public examination. A cash award of Rs. 3,000 per annum is granted for five years, with no income restrictions.
Support for Law Graduates
Law graduates can receive one-time assistance of Rs. 50,000 to aid them in starting their legal profession, covering expenses such as rent, furniture, and books. Eligible law graduates must register their names with the Bar Council.
Provision of House Sites
The department distributes free house site pattas to impoverished, houseless Adi Dravidar and tribal families under specific conditions, including an annual income below Rs. 72,000, belonging to the Adi Dravidar or tribal community, not possessing any land or house, and not holding a government job.
Community Development Initiatives
The department undertakes initiatives to establish burial grounds in Adi Dravidar habitation areas and pathways to these burial grounds. Funds for acquiring land and constructing pathways are provided. Panchayat unions also allocate funds for basic amenities in Adi Dravidar habitation areas, including drinking water facilities and link roads.
Community Halls
Community halls have been constructed in Adi Dravidar colonies to facilitate various social functions, meetings, and events.
Elimination of Untouchability
The P.C.R Act 2015 (Rules 2016) was enacted to ensure justice and equality. Compensation of up to Rs. 8.25 lakhs is awarded to families who have lost a member due to riots. Basic pension is provided to widows and dependents, amounting to Rs. 5,000 per month, akin to a government servant’s pension with applicable D.A. The scheme also offers employment opportunities and provision of agricultural land and housing.
Select Villages Scheme
This scheme allocates Rs. 10.00 lakhs to each village in a district, except Chennai, where untouchability is not prevalent, and people live harmoniously.
Free Sewing and Iron Box Scheme
Under specific conditions, free sewing machines and iron boxes are provided to eligible individuals, including those with an annual income below Rs. 72,000, who have completed a six-month sewing course from recognized institutions, and belong to the Adi Dravidar and tribal community. Special conditions apply for iron box eligibility.
Important Documents
Here are the essential documents required for applying for this scholarship online:
- Aadhar Card
- Date of Birth (DOB) Certificate
- Residence Certificate
- Caste Certificate
- Identification (ID) Proof
- Educational Certificates
- Student’s Identity Card
- Photocopy of Bank Account Passbook
- Annual Income Certificate
- Recent Passport Size Photograph
- Functioning Mobile Number
- Active Email Address
Registration Process Under ADW Scholarship
Prospective applicants are required to complete the scholarship application process through a straightforward procedure. Students can follow these step-by-step instructions to successfully apply for the scholarship:
- Visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu ADW (Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare) administered by the Tamil Nadu state government.
- Navigate to the “Services” section on the homepage and click on “Department Wise Services.”
- From the list of departments provided, select the “Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department.”
- Click on the “Online application for Scholarship” option within the department’s services.
- You will be redirected to the Tamil Nadu e-District Scholarship System website.

- Choose the “Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Scholarship” option and complete the registration form to establish your account credentials.
- Log in to your account using the provided login form.
- Fill out the ADW Scholarship Application Form found on your dashboard and upload the required documents as per the provided instructions.
- After carefully reviewing your application, click the “Submit” button to send it for consideration.
- It is advisable to retain a printed copy of the application form for future reference.
Application Status ADW Scholarship
To check the status of your scholarship application, please follow the straightforward procedure outlined below:
- Click on the provided link to access the ADW (Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare) webpage for the scholarship.

- The homepage of the scholarship will be displayed on your screen.
- Locate and click on the “Status” button available in the menu bar.

- A new page will open on your screen.
- Enter your academic ID and the student ID as required.
- Click on the “View” option.
- The status of your scholarship application will be displayed on your screen.
Submit Feedback
To provide feedback regarding the scholarship, please follow these simple steps:
- Click on the provided link to access the official webpage for the scholarship.
- The scholarship homepage will open on your screen.
- Look for and click on the “Status” button located in the menu bar.
- A new page will open on your screen.
- On this page, find and select the “Feedback Form” option.
- A new feedback form will be displayed on your screen.

- Enter the required feedback details in the application form.
- After filling out the form, click on the “Submit” option.
Give Feedback Response
To submit your response or feedback regarding the scholarship, please follow these steps:
- Click on the provided link to access the official webpage for the scholarship.
- The scholarship homepage will open on your screen.
- Look for and click on the “Status” button located in the menu bar.
- A new page will open on your screen.
- From this page, navigate to the “Feedback Response” option.
- A new feedback form will be displayed on your screen.
- Enter your response in the application form as required.
- After entering your response, click on the “Submit” option.
Contact Details
- Contact Number: 044-28516689
- FAX: 044-28419612
- Address: Adi Dravidar and tribal welfare directorate, Chepauk, Chennai (PBX No. 28594780)
FAQs – ADW Scholarship
1. What is the ADW Scholarship?
The ADW Scholarship, also known as the Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Scholarship, is a government-sponsored program in Tamil Nadu, India, designed to provide financial assistance to students from disadvantaged communities for their education.
2. Who is eligible for the ADW Scholarship?
Eligibility for the ADW Scholarship typically includes students from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC) in Tamil Nadu who are pursuing various levels of education.
3. How can I apply for the ADW Scholarship?
To apply for the ADW Scholarship, you need to visit the official Tamil Nadu ADW website, complete the registration process, and fill out the online application form, providing the required documents.
4. What documents are needed for the application?
The application requires various documents such as Aadhar Card, Date of Birth Certificate, Residence Certificate, Caste Certificate, Educational Certificates, Bank Account Passbook, Annual Income Certificate, and more. Make sure to have these documents ready before applying.
5. How do I check my scholarship application status?
To check the status of your scholarship application, you need to visit the official ADW webpage, click on the “Status” button, enter your academic ID and student ID, and view the status.
6. What if I want to provide feedback or raise a concern?
If you wish to provide feedback or raise concerns, you can visit the official scholarship webpage, click on the “Feedback Response” option, enter your response, and submit it through the provided form.
7. Are there specific criteria for selecting scholarship recipients?
Selection criteria for ADW Scholarships are typically based on factors like the applicant’s educational qualifications, caste, income, and other relevant conditions. Detailed criteria are available on the official website.
8. Is there an income limit for eligibility?
Yes, the ADW Scholarship often has an income limit for eligibility. The income of the applicant’s family should generally be below a certain specified limit to qualify for the scholarship.
9. Can I renew my ADW Scholarship for subsequent years?
Yes, you can often renew your ADW Scholarship for subsequent years, provided you meet the specified renewal criteria and continue your studies with satisfactory performance.
10. When is the application deadline for the ADW Scholarship?
The application deadline for the ADW Scholarship may vary from year to year. It is essential to check the official scholarship website for the most up-to-date information regarding application deadlines.
The ADW Scholarship 2024 in Tamil Nadu serves as a pivotal tool in promoting education and empowerment among marginalized communities. By offering financial assistance to students from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes, it breaks down barriers to education. Its simple online application process, coupled with periodic renewals, ensures sustained support. Crucially, it underscores the government’s commitment to social inclusivity and upliftment. Accessible status checking and feedback mechanisms enhance transparency and accountability. This scholarship, while evolving with changing criteria, continues to be a beacon of hope, encouraging educational pursuits and fostering a brighter future for those in need.